Pulse Cage
Episode 1
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Mystery, School Life
Game Play: Role-playing game/ Simulation, Visual Novel, Otome, Girl pursues Boys
Rated: Teen
Story Ending(s): 2
Choices: 12
Price: Commercial
Time: Over approximately 3 hours
Extras: 2 (30 sec.) Animations, 2 Special Pictures

Pulse Cage
Episode 2
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Mystery, School Life
Game Play: Role-playing game/ Simulation, Visual Novel, Otome, Girl pursues Boys
Rated: Teen
Story Ending(s): 4
Choices: 22
Price: Commercial
Time: Over approximately 3 hours
Extras: Dress up Screen, 4 Special Pictures
Pulse Cage
Episode 3

Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Mystery, School Life
Game Play: Role-playing game/ Simulation, Visual Novel, Otome, Girl pursues Boys
Rated: Teen
Story Ending(s): 1
Choices: 10
Price: Commercial
Time: Approximately 4 hours
Extras: 1 (30sec.) Animation, 4 Special Pictures
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Mystery, School Life
Game Play: Role-playing game/ Simulation, Visual Novel, Otome, Girl pursues Boys
Rated: Teen
Story Ending(s): 4
Choices: 24
Price: Commercial
Time: 7 hours game-play
Extras: 1 (30sec.) Animation, 6 Special Pictures
Pulse Cage
Episode 4


* The download links above will take you to Paypal, from there, enter your info then another page will open with access to download the game named "PulseCageEp1, 2, 3, or 4-1.0-all.zip". The download will appear in a Dropbox page that will open in a new window tab. Do not click the x before downloading. Once downloaded, please leave the (exe) file in the folder with the other files, DO NOT REMOVE IT. Or you will have an error. This file is a ZIP file, so it will need to be extracted. When it's extracted the icon will not be shown as the Pulse Cage icon that we originally wanted, it will be a pink haired girl as the icon. So that is how it will look before you open the file.
To all, have fun and enjoy. And if you have any questions, ask or read the star notes below.

* Hope you guys enjoy this story. I will be making this Visual Novel a series of about 4 episodes so get ready for that. Also, I'm new to English writing so I hope you all can understand that. I am learning every day about new techniques in English writing and English grammar and English everything. 😁
Oh, and to stay updated on when a new episode is released you should subscribe so you can be notified. This story is a mystery so you're going to want to know what happens at the end. :D 😉
Read the story in order or you might spoil it for yourself. 😌

* I'm selling for ONLY 6 dollars. 💻 👝 💵
(Why so little? You ask.)🙋
I want it to be VERY affordable for all and it is a series so at the end of each episode you will get that closure, but not all of it.
In the beginning, I wanted to sell it for 15-20 like everyone else, but I, myself read and buy Visual Novels and I always wished they were just a bit cheaper. So for you guys I will do just that, so I hope you like it.) 😊

* (How long did it take to make? You ask.) 🙋Well, I wrote the story three times... (I know, crazy, right?)😅😌
The first version of this story was completely different from the latest one. Although, I did start this site three months ago from (sept22, 2015.) I started in early 2013. Aside from the story, I drew each character over three times until I got it right (I drew Garrett over more than three times. :/😐) I really wanted to get his look right. Originally, Garrett was the first guy in the story and was supposed to be the ONLY guy. Later, I made more characters after changing the story for the second time. At the beginning (Pulse Cage Ep1), it may come off as if Garrett is the main character, but he's not. The others are just as important. I actually ended up cutting out a lot of his scenes because he was eating up the story with his presence (annoying.) 😓No, I'm joking. 😏I like all of the cast. I know you all will have favorites and are able to vote for fav guy on the Extra Page, but my favorite is...😅
Send us a personal message or leave a comment! Or both, I don't mind. Please leave positive feedback when you can!